School, Uni, and Fresh Milk

We went to the school again today, but I had forgotten that they had their second unit tests at the moment. They seem to get a lot of tests for such young children, I hope they don't find it too stressful.

Today's test was the English test, and as usual they began with a few hours of revision, which Alex and I helped with.

When the children had their break before the tests began, Alex and I decided not to stay for the exam itself, as we are often a bit superfluous for that. Instead, I went to the office again to see if I could hear any more lectures. I had to give up when the next lecture was almost entirely inaudible too, with the only parts I could hear being the embedded videos and the guest speaker's explanations of some visuals which I couldn't see...

Giving up on the lectures, I downloaded some more of the readings instead, and continued with some planning and notes for the next assignments.

When I came back up to the farm house, I saw Anil - one of the hostel boys - coming on his bike and going to collect the milk pail. There is a cow who recently calved, she is kept at the other farm land in the village, which is where Venkatrammadu (the staff member with the injured foot) lives. I thought that Anil would be milking the cow, so I asked if I could come along too.

I borrowed the boys' other bicycle, and we rode together out of the farm and through the village to the other farm.

The cow was already milked so we only collected milk, but it was still nice to get out. Venkatrammadu was very cheerful and welcoming, and we were given some delicious deep-fried sweet rice buns to eat before we rode back with the milk.

The cow and her calf
