A Not-A-Lot Day

The last couple of days have been a bit unusual. There is a strategy conference happening at SEDS this weekend, and a whole bunch of people are coming for it, some are board members and others will invited guests so that there are a range of ideas possible. This means that the women fieldworkers have all been at the house, slaving away with cleaning and cooking and other preparations for receiving the visitors and setting up for the conference. As a result, Alex and I haven't been out to the field again. I went to the school yesterday (30th) and helped out with some lessons yesterday, and today I mostly worked in the office, doing university course work, some assignment work, and some general reading about the role of social work in development. I also started to do a bit of job hunting, just thinking ahead... I arranged to go to the teachers meeting in the afternoon after lessons finished, and Alex tagged along too. I wasn't sure of the format that the meeting would tak...